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The collection contains old and rare books from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, mostly in Latin and Italian.These books are about medieval history and literature regarding the Renaissance and the Reformation period.
Within the Europeana collections 14-18 project maps from the First World War kept by the Central National Library of Florence have been digitised and made available online.
Photographs, Illustrations, postcards, posters from the World War One held by the Central National Library of Florence have been digitised and made available online.
This collection of the National Library of Italy in Florence (partner of the Europeana Collections 1914-1918 project), comprises material from the First World War period: mostly newspapers, but also monographs and propaganda material.
This collection of digital items of printed books from the WW1 period has been made available courtesy of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze within the context of Europeana Collections 1914-1918.
This digital collection of circa 339 songbooks and sheet music from the WW1 period has been made available courtesy of the Central National Library of Florence, as part of the Europeana Collections 1914-1918 Project.