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Overview for 'Academic Research'
From left to right: Professor Lorna Hughes, Chair of the Europeana Research Advisory Board; Dr Elizabeth Benjamin, Dr Saverio Vita, Dr Berber Hagedoorn. Brussels.
In this issue of EuropeanaTech Insight we share highlights from EuropeanaTech 2018 that perfectly illusrate core missions layed out in the new Europeana Innovation Agenda
V4Design booth at Digital Assembly in Sofia in June 2018
As the technological capabilities to digitise cultural objects in 3D increases, so too does the value of these data sources for architects, designers, and video game creators. The real challenge lies in making 3D cultural heritage easily accessible and reusable for those audiences. That is precisely the challenge that the V4Design project is taking on.
We discuss cultural heritage and impact with acclaimed professor of Cultural Economics and Deputy Rector for International Relations at IULM University, Milan, Pier Luigi Sacco - a self-proclaimed optimist who vividly illustrates the potential of free expression and unbridled content creation in the digital transformation of society.
Digital transformation is impacting more than just cultural heritage - it's transforming classrooms. From university assessments to in-class activities, our favourite example of digital transformation, transcribathons, are connecting those in education and research to the past in ways that have more impact than ever before.
The Research Grants Programme has reached its third year! The 2018 call for submission is open until 15 October 2018 23:59 CET. Are you a potential candidate? Please read the frequently asked questions before applying.