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Annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations will take place in the Netherlands this year and will be hosted by Utrecht University.
In the summer of 2018, the Europeana Network Association established itself around six communities (Education, Impact, EuropeanaTech, Research, Copyright and Communicators). One of the first core actions was to develop an activity plan for 2019. The EuropeanaTech steering group hereby present the current form of the EuropeanaTech 2019 activity plan.
As part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, Europeana in partnership with museums, galleries, libraries and archives across Europe, held 18 collection days in 12 countries on the theme of migration.
In 2017, CLARIN carried out a pilot exploring the possibilities of integrating Europeana Collections’ material into its infrastructure and thus opening up new possibilities for the discovery and linguistic processing of textual cultural heritage content for a social sciences and humanities research audience. This integration is now entering a new stage, offering improved quality and increased processing potential.
This Task Force explored researchers' needs, paying particular attention to applied technologies for data acquisition and management, visualisation and analysis in research.