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Overview for 'europeanatech'
The Madrid Codices of Leonardo Da Vinci (Vol. I), f. 7r
On 15-16 May, the third international EuropeanaTech conference will take place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. EuropeanaTech 2018 will place tech firmly at the centre of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, and we are delighted to announce the first wave of conference details and programme.
In this issue of EuropeanaTech Insight several authors examine how Linked Open Data is changing the way cultural heritage institutes share and present information on the web.
This case study explores how the project has extended its own data model with the EDM profile for IIIF and re-used its data guidelines in order to enable IIIF images within the viewer of Numishare and Coinage of the Roman Republic Online.
In the case study, Get your vocabularies in Europeana and others can get them, we are describing the practical steps envisioned, based on recent experimentation done by Sandra Fauconnier consisting of aligning the MIMO vocabulary with Wikidata.