This Working Group began in 2020, in response to a call made during the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum meeting in autumn 2019, where aggregators expressed interest in training materials and tools around IIIF. The working group undertakes a number of activities around the Framework and Europeana and aims to do the following:
Create and organise training and outreach workshops for Europeana Network Association members
Liaise and maintain relationships between IIIF and the Europeana Network Association at large
Develop a communication strategy on IIIF usage for the Europeana Network Association
Undertake any activities that will bolster the long-standing and ongoing collaboration between IIIF and the Europeana Network Association - suggestions are welcome!
Find out more about IIIF and Europeana.
Join the Working Group
The working group has a loose membership structure and is open to members of the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum or EuropeanaTech who work with and are active in the Europeana and IIIF communities. We establish and review sets of activities during a monthly meeting. Mirrorring the way IIIF Community activities are set up, the monthly calls take place on a fixed day at a fixed time.
The Working Group is a first-hand opportunity to connect with other institutions across Europe and the world using IIIF, and learn from one another - share best-practices and valuable use-cases. Should you be interested in joining please contact: gmarkus@beeldengeluid.nl.
The Working Group currently uses Slack for coordination in parallel to the public Europeana specific IIIF Slack channel. If you would like to stay informed about this Working Group, please join on Slack by signing up or keep an eye on the EuropeanaTech mailing list.
Example activity: IIIF at Europeana Aggregators' Forum meeting, autumn 2021
Two years after the IIIF Working Group was put in place, it reviewed the progress made with IIIF in the Europeana Aggregators' Forum (EAF). During a dedicated session at the autumn 2021 EAF meeting, a number of aggregators shared what they had achieved and how they had progressed with implementing IIIF. This was in line with the proposed activities of the group to share examples of IIIF implementations.
Seven aggregators shared their experiences with IIIF and gave insights into what is possible with IIIF and how it can be implemented. We also heard from experts of the IIIF community about new developments. In addition to sharing examples we developed a better understanding of additional training activities and training material needed for aggregators to work with IIIF. This set the agenda of the IIIF Working Group for 2023.