We love open culture! No, listen, we REALLY love open culture

We love open culture so much that this month, we’re teaming up with the Open Education Consortium, which is championing all things open in the Year of Open 2017. Each month, the Year of Open website features a perspective on a different open initiative. So far this year, it’s covered things like open source software, open science and open education.
There are no prizes for guessing what kind of open we’re going to be talking about - open culture, of course. We want to raise awareness of the existence and importance of open culture and get people talking about it.
Throughout September, we’ll be updating the Year of Open website with videos, interviews, favourite collection items and fascinating stories of how digital cultural heritage is being used across the world. We’ve talked to digital heritage professionals from Europe, the US, Australia and India for a truly global perspective. These experts tell us why they strive each day to open up culture and reveal some great things that have happened as a result of their, and their partner organizations’ hard work.
Here’s a teaser of some of our friends - members of the Europeana Network Association - telling us why open culture is important to them. To see more, head over to the Year of Open.
What is open culture? Short version from Europeana on Vimeo.
We’ll post new content throughout the month, so please keep checking back to the Year of Open. And share with @EuropeanaEU, @oeconsortium, #yearofopen #openculture!
Thanks to everyone who’s contributed to our videos and interviews - we hope you’re proud of the results. We are!