4. Kvinno Historiska Sweden - Stockholms Museum of Women’s History highlights women's history linked to current issues that affect people's daily lives. The museum doesn’t have a building, but takes place in your everyday life - in the town square, your favorite museum or local library, on the milk carton on your breakfast table or in your podcast player. Its current headline exhibition is ‘The Road to Abortion Freedom: 50 years of voices, rights and change’.
5. Kvinnemuseet Norway (The Women’s Museum) questions why certain parts of history are either highlighted or hidden and strives to tell the sides of history that are not told at other museums. For generations, women were confined to the home. However, that does not make their stories less important. The Women's Museum tells the stories of women at home and through their entrance into the public eye.
6. Women’s History Museum Zambia was set up to document and revive narratives of African history with a specific focus on women. Listen to its Leading Ladies podcast. See an example of our collaboration below and on Instagram.