MashUp Film Festival: 1,000+ films available for new creations
Films from Europeana Collections are available for use in this year’s MashUp Film Festival.
- Title:
- (en) Celebration of the 30 years existence of the student corporation from Nijmegen; (nl) Viering van het 30-jarig bestaan van het Nijmeegse studentencorps
- Creator:
- (en) Polygoon-Profilti (producer); (nl) Polygoon-Profilti (producent);
- Date:
- 1954
- Institution:
- Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision; Nederlands Instituut voor Beel
- Country:
- Netherlands
- Copyright:
How can you bring film heritage alive through the creation of film mashups? That’s the question asked by the MashUp Film Festival (15 March- 15 April) in collaboration with the French National Centre of Cinematography and the Moving Image (CNC), LaCinéTek and Europeana.
This year, the MashUp Film Festival joins forces with organisations that support the conservation and promotion of national and international film heritage to shine a spotlight on the creation of mashup short films. Openly licensed films provided through CNC, LaCinéTek and Europeana are now available as part of the call for the creation of mashup short films launched in France and abroad.
The mashup short films created will be shown at a special screening in Paris in April 2018 where a prize for Best Film will be awarded by a jury comprised of representatives of each organisation. The event will also be the opportunity for a discussion on the economic and legal questions around copyright, the use of film heritage in contemporary audiovisual creation and the use, perception and production of images today.
Jill Cousins, Europeana Executive Director, says, ‘As Europe’s platform for digital cultural heritage, Europeana is really pleased to partner with the MashUp Film Festival, helping to give the 2018 edition an international flavour. We constantly look for new uses of our openly licensed cultural heritage and are excited about MashUp film's new creations.’
Find out more about the MashUp Film Festival: