Europeana packs its bags for TPDL 2015

This week, the International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) takes place in Poznan, Poland. TPDL - once known as the European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) - has been a major event in the diaries of the R&D community in our field for 15 years now. Over the years, there’s been numerous presentations on the progress of Europeana projects, or the technological innovations that would go on to make Europeana what it is today. Take the Europeana Data Model, for instance - that’s a great example of something we’ve created that owes much to the discussions that have happened at this conference, and to the researchers - like Stefan Gradman and Carlo Meghini - who have helped develop its previous programmes.
This year’s edition is no exception. It’s been organised by Marcin Werla and Cezary Mazurek from the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center - leading players in the development of the next generation of Europeana’s infrastructure in Europeana Cloud, and close collaborators with Europeana’s technology team.
This afternoon, our very own Valentine Charles will give a tutorial on mappings and application profiles for cross-domain metadata with Francesca Schulze, from the German Digital Library. On Thursday, former host of the Europeana Plenary conference Costis Dallas will give a keynote on the future of digital repositories. LoCloud, one of the many Europeana-related projects both Costis and Marcin have been part of, will hold a workshop on cloud based services for digital libraries, also happening on Thursday. And last but not least, our partners from the SEALINCMedia project (Free University Amsterdam and CWI) will give no fewer than three papers about linked data and cultural heritage. So there’s plenty to get excited about!
Over the past few months, we’ve been helping make noise about the conference and inviting the R&D and digital libraries community to get involved. Today, as the conference kicks off, there are two ways to make the most of the it if you can’t be in Poznan. First, keep an eye on the hashtag #tpdl2015 - it’s sure to be the beating heart of the conference, with plenty of stimulating discussions.
And if that’s not enough, this year you can also check out the conference via a live stream! The streaming will start on Tuesday at 9 AM CET here. Recorded videos will be available at a later date.
So go on - check out the programme and find the parts that interest you... Then sit back, tune in and enjoy!
NB: To find out more about the conference, please see our Events page.