"Cultural Heritage Infrastructure in Digital Humanities" is out now!
The newest publication in Routledge's 'Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities' Series.

Title: Cultural Heritage Infrastructure in Digital Humanities
Publisher: Routledge
Series: Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities
editors: Agiati Benardou, Erik Champion, Costis Dallas, Lorna Hughes
What are the leading tools and archives in digital cultural heritage? How can they be integrated into research infrastructures to better serve their intended audiences? In this book, authors from a wide range of countries, representing some of the best research projects in digital humanities related to cultural heritage, discuss their latest findings, both in terms of new tools and archives, and how they are used (or not used) by both specialists and by the general public.
This work is of special interest to Europeana Research since three out of the four editors of the book actively contribute to Europeana by being members of the Europeana Research Advisory Board. Furthermore, chapter 10 of this publication is called "From Europeana Cloud to Europeana Research: Tools, Users and Methods", and was written by Agiati Benardou and Alastair Dunning.
From the description of the chapter:
This chapter presents Europeana Cloud, a Best Practice Network coordinated by the Europeana Foundation, which aims at setting the foundations and building Europeana Research, a platform allowing third parties to develop tools and services based on Europeana content. Through a collaborative, user-centred and a mixed methods approach, we have tried to identify the needs of researchers in the fields of the Humanities and the Social Sciences, while attempting to actively engage various sub-disciplines in the course of our work.
We're very proud to see this foundational work for Europeana Research appear in this publication, collaboratively written by members of Europeana's network.