Teresita Gravina
ICS Da Vinci Lorenzini
Italy, IT
Dr Teresita Gravina is a Europeana and Scientix Ambassador for Italy, she teaches maths and science at a lower secondary school in Italy. She is a member of the Committee on Education of European Geological Union and also involved in the Italian Association of Science teachers (ANISN).
Dr. Gravina studied geological science at University Federico II of Naples (Italy) where she graduated with honours in 2001. In 2006 she earned a PhD in earth science at University Federico II of Naples (Italy) with a thesis on ‘The fluidization phenomena into the pyroclastic density currents dynamics’. In 2013, she earned an environmental science BSc at University Luigi Vanvitelli, Caserta with a thesis focusing on science communication (www.sunability.unina2.it).
Dr. Gravina studied geological science at University Federico II of Naples (Italy) where she graduated with honours in 2001. In 2006 she earned a PhD in earth science at University Federico II of Naples (Italy) with a thesis on ‘The fluidization phenomena into the pyroclastic density currents dynamics’. In 2013, she earned an environmental science BSc at University Luigi Vanvitelli, Caserta with a thesis focusing on science communication (www.sunability.unina2.it).