Chris Awre
Head of Information Services
University of Hull
Cultural Heritage
Chris Awre is Head of Information Services within the Brynmor Jones Library of the University of Hull in the UK. He was previously a systems librarian at Imperial College, London, and a Programme Manager for the Jisc, working on projects related to portals, information presentation, and the sharing of institutional resources. In 2008 he was a founder partner in the Hydra Project, a community driven open source development to create tools that could be used to meet evolving digital repository needs. The Hydra Project itself evolved into the Samvera Community in 2017, emphasising the importance of collaborative working in producing Samvera solutions, and Chris continues to sit on the Steering Group. He is currently a member of the UK Government’s Open Research Data Task Force, looking at ways of stimulating uptake and provision of open data. Institutionally, Chris has responsibility and interests in repository services, open access, research data management, and digital preservation, and how these relate to existing print-based acquisition and collection management activities.