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Posted on Monday July 19, 2021
Updated on Monday October 21, 2024
Explore the latest news from the common European data space for cultural heritage, Europeana Initiative and cultural heritage sector as we work towards digital transformation.
The technology/culture innovation gap
(C) THE ARTS+/ Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH
October 2018
THE ARTS+/ Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH
Created: 12 October 2018
Beth Daley
Harry Verwayen
THE ARTS+ festival in Frankfurt this week released a manifesto on supporting innovation for culture and creative sectors - the result of several months of work from the 14 partners (including Europeana) of its #InnovationSummit.
What do a library and a lab have in common? Well, not much, you may think at first. But the opposite is actually true. Clemens Neudecker tells us what a lab is in the context of a library, what activities it pursues and who it's for.
We discuss cultural heritage and impact with acclaimed professor of Cultural Economics and Deputy Rector for International Relations at IULM University, Milan, Pier Luigi Sacco - a self-proclaimed optimist who vividly illustrates the potential of free expression and unbridled content creation in the digital transformation of society.
Should libraries and museums stop secondary websites from republishing so-called ‘orphan’ works? Ellen Euler, professor for Open Access & Open Data in Germany at the University of Applied Science Potsdam, looks at a current case in point playing out in Germany.
Fun and creative reuse ideas for digital cultural heritage is something we are passionate about at Europeana. Today we speak to Challenge winner Federica Pascotto on the launch of her educational app Wonders about the chaos and constraints of developing an application game.
Conference audience at Open GLAM México, 5-6 September 2018
After last month's Open GLAM México event, and with a national digital repository in development, these are exciting times in the Mexican cultural sector. Douglas McCarthy spoke with Agenda Digital de Cultura’s Vania Ramírez Islas to get the inside story.
We talk to Sara Di Giorgio about the importance of digitising cultural heritage as she organised Italy’s first transcribathon as a means of connecting people with their own heritage.
We spoke to the team behind the award-winning app, Sofija Klarin Zadravec, Digital Library Adviser, National and University Library in Zagreb (NSK) and Dragana Koljenik, Croatian Institute for Librarianship (NSK) about what it takes to bring cultural heritage to life, and their grand plans for new technology developments.
Today, Europeana Executive Director Harry Verwayen spoke at the EBU event Cultural heritage for the future: the role of media innovation. In his presentation which follows, Harry illustrates the challenges facing digital audiovisual archives, and the potential of new technologies, including AI, to overcome these challenges.
Digital transformation is impacting more than just cultural heritage - it's transforming classrooms. From university assessments to in-class activities, our favourite example of digital transformation, transcribathons, are connecting those in education and research to the past in ways that have more impact than ever before.