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Posted on Monday July 19, 2021
Updated on Monday October 21, 2024
Explore the latest news from the common European data space for cultural heritage, Europeana Initiative and cultural heritage sector as we work towards digital transformation.
Participants of the co-creation sessions on a tour through the NISV archive in Hilversum. In Copyright.
How can the cultural heritage sector collaborate with communities to ensure that archives and archival descriptions are inclusive and accurate? The Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision shares learnings from workshops that they have undertaken as part of the DE-BIAS project.
The Europeana Impact Playbook is a step by step approach to help cultural heritage professionals design, measure and narrate impact. Discover how a working group of key players in the digital cultural heritage field in Germany used the playbook to develop recommendations to support museums make their collections’ metadata fit for publication online.
On International Youth Day, we want to highlight initiatives for students, young people and new professionals who are looking for a career in cultural heritage or opportunities to participate in meaningful programs across the sector. Discover 20 suggestions from Europeana Research!
The need to include indigenous communities in the digitisation, enrichment and curation of their cultural heritage is increasingly recognised in the cultural heritage sector. Why is this so crucial, and how do digitised collections bring value to indigenous and minoritised communities?
For over five years, the Europeana Initiative and European Schoolnet have been integrating digital cultural heritage into the practices of formal and non-formal educators. In the 2023-2024 school year, our collaboration continued to inspire and enrich the teaching experience of hundreds of educators.
How can digital media and storytelling be used for learning? Colleagues from PHOTOCONSORTIUM share their experience using their collections on to create educational resources and digital storytelling activities that reuse heritage photography.
The Europeana Public Domain Charter was developed in 2010 to ensure that cultural heritage could be reused as widely as possible. The Europeana Article 14 Task Force is reviewing the Charter to ensure that it continues to respond to relevant challenges. Discover the review process, and the feedback received during an online copyright office hours session dedicated to the topic.
What are the benefits and challenges of Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools? Mª Ángeles García, Pangeanic Machine Learning Project Director, explains what their CAT tool is and how it will be made available for cultural heritage institutions - part of the AI4Culture interviews series.
As part of the European Heritage Hub project, the Europeana Foundation has curated a review of the digital policy landscape across Europe, based on the policies available on the Hub’s Policy Monitor. Discover the findings and why they matter!
The cross-disciplinary musical heritage project Polifonia built a Knowledge Graph of music heritage data, improved the FAIRness of existing collections and launched tools for representing and analysing music heritage data. Discover more about the project and the steps it took to create musical (linked) data across existing collections.
EFHA’s Marco Rendina and CrossLang’s AI advisor Tom Vanallemeersch delve into the challenges of automatically transcribing texts. How can Optical Character Recognition (OCR) transcriptions be further enhanced for Machine Translation applications, and how does this benefit cultural heritage institutions? Read the interview - part of the AI4Culture interviews series - to find out.
As Europe - and the world - experiences a record-breaking warm summer, the Environmental Sustainability Practice Task Force of the Europeana Climate Action Community reflects on sustainable digitalisation processes in our sector and shares an interim report from their recent survey.