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Posted on Friday February 23, 2024

Updated on Friday February 7, 2025

EuropeanaTech Community Work Plan

The EuropeanaTech Community is one of the Europeana Network Association's specialist communities. Explore their work plan for 2025. You can also join the EuropeanaTech Community through the Europeana Network Association.

main image
Sonata No. 6 (Sonata of the Stars). Allegro. Andante
Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis
M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art

1. Community aspirations and impact areas

1.1 Community aspiration and long-term aims

EuropeanaTech will motivate its community towards making the common European data space for cultural heritage into a shared exchange/commons with increased availability and reuse of high quality data. It will do this through active investigation on how to democratise data ingestion and the analysis of the integration of new types of data (including 3D, audio and non-digital objects) , standards and tools (including AI), and the deepening of use and understanding of knowledge graphs. Thereby assisting the data space towards a higher engagement of existing and new audiences and partners, reconfigured role and responsibility of the Europeana Initiative as a data space steward.

To help with the Sustainability drive, in line with the European Green Deal and Sustainable practices with and for DCH, EuropeanaTech, while acknowledging the burgeoning demand its community adds through the development of AI, 3D and other digital cultural heritage developments, will run a Digital Clean Up Campaign with Europeana Climate Community where all members of the ENA do just one thing to reduce the burden we are placing on the environment.

EuropeanaTech will continue its role in technical knowledge exchange within the Europeana Network Association, identifying and serving the needs of a community with very different levels of technical maturity to build capacity and make resources available for professionals, supporting them to learn about, use and contribute to the data space products, including production of modules for the Europeana Academy training programme and platform.

This aspiration connects EuropeanaTech to LT.3 and LT.4 of the Impact Model working on the democratization of data ingestion, decentralisation of data management, maintenance of data sovereignty and trying to meliorate its technical advancement with an increase of awareness and specific campaign to reduce unnecessary duplication and storage of data

1.2 Delivering your community aspiration — connecting to one or more of the impact pathways

EuropeanaTech will continue its long-standing efforts to coordinate, promote and share knowledge held within the EuropeanaTech community through different series of workshops, webinars and blogs. EuropeanaTech has an open door policy for any community members to engage and make use of the various means that EuropeanaTech offers. We will work to make these resources known to the community. While simultaneously sharing work accomplished by this SG and directly soliciting contributions.

    EuropeanaTech will liaise with the Europeana Climate Action Community for potential awareness raising campaigns on the climate and natural resource impact of emerging technologies like AI and 3D rendering as well as e-waste generated through new media engagement activities and digital storage.

    2. EuropeanaTech membership

    In 2025 EuropeanaTech will coordinate with the Europeana Impact Community to assess the diversity within the EuropeanaTech community. We will use an “empathy map” to conduct this.

    3. Governance

      3.1 SG composition (including any potential changes)

      The Europeana Tech SG has the following members:

      • Andrija Sagic (Milutin Bojić Library) - Chair

      • Henk Alkemade (Independent)

      • Clemens Neudecker (Berlin State Library)

      • Georgia Angelaki (National Documentation Centre, Greece)

      • Johan Oomen (Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision)

      • Ina Blümel (German National Library of Science and Technology)

      • Cosmina Berta (German Digital Library)

      • Martin Weiss (University of Zurich, National Library of Norway)

      • Glen Robson (IIIF)

      • Tiziana Lombardo (Net7 srl)

      • Sk Abdul Gafur (International Society of Bengal Studies)

      • Jill Cousins (Museum Strategy) - Co-Chair

      • Sonja Thiel (AI & Museum)

      • Juha Henriksson (Music Archive Finland, Time Machine Organisation)

      • Gregory Markus (Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision) - Community Manager

      • Antoine Isaac (Europeana Foundation) - Community Manager

      • Evelien Wolda (Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision) - Community Manager

      3.2 Chair and responsibilities

      EuropeanaTech has a designated chair and has in the past designated co-chairs. The Chair position is voluntary and agreed upon by the entire SG. The Chair is free to step down as they see fit.

      • The SG Chair keeps an oversight over all of the monthly meetings and represents EuropeanaTech when necessary in different Europeana Foundation or ENA related events.

      • Sound & Vision handle the lion’s share of the admin and logistical work - seeking to ensure any and all activities initiated by the Steering Group can be executed and liaise with different members of the Europeana Foundation.

      • As senior member, Antoine Isaac, the other community manager, serves as an overall advisor of the SG due to his long-standing affiliation with many international DCH groups and career at Europeana Foundation

      • The remaining SG members all contribute in different ways. This can be initiating webinars, blogs or workshops, networking with members of the EuropeanaTech community, engaging or managing various task forces or WGs or providing different perspectives to community activities.

      3.3 Intention to meet

      • EuropeanaTech meets virtually every four weeks with additional meetings planned as necessary

      • EuropeanaTech has no plans for a physical meeting but is possible if budget allows.

      3.4 Recruitment

      We will investigate whether new elected MC members could be invited to join the SG.

      4. Activity plan

        4.1 Outreach and communications

        • EuropeanaTech will continue its editorial efforts done in collaboration with Europeana Foundation’s communications team. In 2025, EuropeanaTech will work to diversify the topics presented via these blogs by using the Europeana 2030 plan for inspiration.

        4.2 Peer to peer knowledge-sharing activities

        • EuropeanaTech will make two announcements about a Task Force open call in the spring and autumn in an effort to encourage community-led knowledge sharing and small-scale research activities

        • EuropeanaTech will encourage and work to source meaningful webinars from the community.

        • EuropeanaTech will identify key documents for translation and investigate means to crowdsource translation activities.

        • EuropeanaTech will collaborate with Europeana Foundation to develop awareness raising paper materials that can be distributed at physical events when possible (budget allowing).

        4.3 Task force(s) or working groups

        The following task forces and working groups will continue in 2025:

        • From shelf to Europeana task force

        • Heritage Acoustics task force

        • Data Quality Committee working group

        • Europeana/IIIF working group

        • Datasheets for CH datasets working group (in collaboration with the Research community)

        In addition, we will seek to organise a new task force on AI and Cultural Heritage. We will organise a workshop in 2025 to set up goals for the EuropeanaTech community, prior to discussing shared areas of work with other communities (Copyright, Research).

        We may also create a new group to discuss issues related to 3D. This topic is currently worked on internally in the data space consortium, but it is felt that broadening participation will be relevant at some point.

        4.4 Other activities

        • A Just One Climate Thing Campaign for Digital Clean Up across all Europeana related CHIs, working with Europeana Climate Action Community

        5. Monitoring engagement and success



        Suggested reporting timeline and approach



        Number of Community- or steering group-organised activities, e.g. presentations, events or training

        • Reporting annually

        • No KPI due to voluntary nature of ENA Community activities

        • Eventually mandatory, where relevant activities are developed or organised


        Number of participants/beneficiaries of discrete Community-led activities

        • Reporting annually

        • No KPI

        • Eventually mandatory, where relevant activities are developed or organised


        Satisfaction rating relating to ENA Community-led activities

        • 75% benchmark as standard

        • Reporting annually

        • Eventually mandatory, where relevant activities are developed or organised

        • Align with standard guidance on evaluating products and services


        Views of main landing page and key Community resources (to be agreed per Community and promoted / disseminated accordingly)

        • No KPI

        • Voluntary and only used if appropriate

        • Measured already for Impact Playbook, for example, noting that dissemination and engagement is not only influenced by community activities

        EuropeanaTech plans to measure the following:

        • Number of mailing list subscribers

        • Engagement on mailing list i.e. responses / discussion.

        • Number of webinars and other events (co-)organised by EuropeanaTech

        • Number of EuropeanaTech blogs

        • Number of views of EuropeanaTech blogs

        • Reduction numbers for Just One Climate Thing

        6. Budget

        6.1 Budget request

        The below outlined budget is substantially more than EuropeanaTech has utilized in the past years due to the decrease in travel. However, with mobility now possible and burgeoning activities combined with a noticeable decline in communal feeling due to the absence of in-person team-building activities, EuropeanaTech requests upwards of €14.500 to be able to facilitate the efforts of our Task Forces and increase the collaborative nature of the SG.

        Total request:

        Active: €5.100

        Reserve: €8.500

        6.2 Budget breakdown

        Including reserve list of activities in case there is extra budget by July 2025:


        • Heritage Acoustics task force: EUR: 3.000

        • Task Force Datasheets for CH: EUR: 1.500

        • Listserv: €600

        Reserve (listed in order of priority):

        • SG Physical Meeting: EUR 2.000

        • Task Force open call: EUR 1.000

        • Task force on AI & Cultural Heritage: EUR: 3000

        • Forming a 3D group: EUR2.500

        Previous work plans

        Explore the EuropeanaTech Community's work plans from previous years. 
