About your institution
The University of Warsaw is one of the leading universities in Poland. Scholars participate in over 1,300 projects financed by national or international research programmes. The Faculty of History is one of the most prominent humanist research centres in the country, and aims to educate professionals who can explain the present by following the course of social, political, economic and cultural processes in societies throughout history.
About the project
The three-and-a-half year research project, People, Places and Events (PPE) develops new approaches to conducting historical geography research using graph-databases. The project will produce a toolkit to support interpretative analytical research and a second toolkit to create interactive visualisations. An active education programme with broad outreach is central to the interdisciplinary research group running the project.
The Europeana research grant supported the organisation of a workshop for cultural heritage institutions and researchers working with spatial humanities data. Workshop participants worked on preparing the ‘Warsaw Statement’, a document which aims to provide key points to consider in the development of cultural heritage spatial humanities data. The preliminary and final versions were made available as workshop proceedings on ‘Atlas Fontium’, the digital platform of the Polish Academy of Science - Institute of History | PAN, which was involved in the organisation of the workshop.
About the outcomes