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Climate Action Community

Who we are

We are professionals at all levels who work within and around the digital cultural heritage sector. We acknowledge that climate change is an emergency and believe that cooperative action is required to reverse this momentum. 

What we do 

We aim to drive impactful, cooperative and sustainable action to address the climate emergency and the environmental impact of our life, work and the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector and we aim for wider systemic change within our organisations and networks. 

Why join?

  • Exchange knowledge, approaches and good practice related to climate action and the digital cultural heritage sector

  • Help grow expertise on how the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector can reduce the climate footprint of its digital transformation and contribute to positive climate action

  • Raise the profile of climate action in Europe’s cultural heritage institutions through specialised task forces, working groups and workshops 

  • Collaborate with your peers to address this urgent issue - we are stronger together!

Join us

Activities and resources

Climate Heritage Network
Group of Birch Trees in a Flat Landscape
Čordák, Ľudovít
Slovak national gallery

Climate Heritage Network

The Europeana Network Association is proud to be part of the Climate Heritage Network. Explore their work and our participation.


Cultural heritage and climate change
Kertem ősszel
Kunffy Lajos
Rippl-Rónai Megyei Hatókörű Városi Múzeum - Kaposvár

Cultural heritage and climate change

The Fridays For Future Movement, We are Museums and the Europeana Network Association Climate Action Group discuss collective climate action with a focus on steps that the cultural heritage sector can take.

Europeana- Ki Culture webinar series

Europeana-Ki Culture Sustainability Workshop Series: Workshop I - Introduction to Sustainability for Culture
Bauhinia variegata
Berlin-Dahlem Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum

Europeana-Ki Culture Sustainability Workshop Series: Workshop I - Introduction to Sustainability for Culture

This workshop was part of a series focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), climate action, and better digital information management practice. It was held by the Europeana Climate Action Community in collaboration with Ki Culture.

Meet the steering Group

Latest News

Is your digital cultural heritage sustainable? Tell us through the Climate Action Community survey
COP23 UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn – Children’s Protest Song against Water Pollution
November 17 2017
Sounds of Changes

Is your digital cultural heritage sustainable? Tell us through the Climate Action Community survey

Created: 13 July 2023

Are you a digital professional working in a cultural heritage institution, part of a heritage institution IT team, or involved in any way in the digital preservation or management of digital content? Then the Climate Action Community needs your help! Find out how and why to take their recently launched survey.

Embracing sustainability: insights from the Europeana-Ki Culture sustainability workshop series
Dyschoriste erecta
Berlin-Dahlem Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum

Embracing sustainability: insights from the Europeana-Ki Culture sustainability workshop series

Created: 10 July 2023

The Europeana Network Association’s Climate Action Community recently ran a series of workshops in collaboration with Ki Culture which explored climate action, better digital information management practice and more! Discover learnings and reflections from the workshops.

Upcoming events
