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The National Gallery of Denmark (SMK) collaborated with a group of Danish developers to release Vizgu, an app that comes up with related art information - descriptive text and audio - whenever a visitor points his smartphone at an SMK painting. Jonas Heide Smith, Head of Digital, tells us more about this innovative visitor guide which launched in September.
Partial reproduction from the painting ‘Retragerea din Dobrogea, Ion Stoica Dumitrescu, 1916, Romanian National Museum of History, Public Domain
Karta med två hemisfärer, den ena visande Nord- och Sydamerika, den andra Europa, Asien och Australien. | Frederick de Wit, Europeana laat dit item zien via Skoklosters slott, Public Domain
Unchartered Territoryis a special session at THE ARTS+ Salon on 11 October (10:30am-12:00pm), as part of the Frankfurt Book Fair. It will focus on what the cultural sector and publishers can learn from thought leaders and pioneers about fitting digital into their strategy. The speakers are from world-renowned cultural heritage institutions and will discuss digital transformation in museums and libraries with journalist Michael Gubbins (Sampomedia).