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Overview for 'Cultural Heritage Institutions'
Miestas kalnuose, 1616–1619, M. K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Lithuania, CC BY
More than halfway through Europeana Migration, we stop to highlight some key takeaways already gained and get a word from our Chief Culture Officer Zubia Naqvi on the importance of multiculturalism and a globalised Europe.
Ever find yourself frustrated by a link that doesn’t take you to where you want to go? Is there anything worse than a 404 message that the page doesn’t exist? Find out what we are doing at Europeana to combat this and boost SEO.
If you’re interested in keeping up with how copyright works in the cultural heritage sector, or want to learn from best practices and even share your own, the Copyright Community is for you!
Digital transformation is a phrase that's been reverberating through political spheres. But what exactly does it mean? And just where do we fit in this transformation? We posed these questions to Europeana Foundation Executive Director Harry Verwayen who spoke about values and impact and offered a more personal perspective into what it means to transform the world with culture on a daily basis.
There’s always some construction going on behind the scenes of Europeana Collections. We're constantly making improvements to make searching for and viewing cultural heritage seamless. One of our tools is the Europeana Media Proxy. In this GLAM tech series post, we tell you all about it.
On 5 and 6 July, the Network Association's Members Council came together in the National Library of The Netherlands, The Hague for their second meeting of 2018. Two days were filled with hard work, intense discussions and new initiatives that focused on transforming the new network communities.