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Want to get involved and show your support for gender parity this International Women’s Day? We’ve listed three key ways to get involved and show your support. So whether you are a woman in the sector or an ally - find out how you can advocate for women in culture and technology (all year round, but especially this March).
The old and new Europeana Association Management Board
It is with great pride and immense pleasure that we can present to you the new Management Board of the Europeana Network Association (alphabetically): Georgia Angelaki, Stephan Bartholmei, Sara Di Giorgio, Marco de Niet, Frederik Truyen and Erwin Verbruggen. As the new Chair, Marco will explain how the Management Board will operate and also highlight the Board’s aspirations and vision for the Europeana Network Association in the next two years.
This Task Force aims to foster interoperability across the applications and projects in the Europeana context that produce, publish and/or consume annotations and user sets.
On Wednesday, negotiators from the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission reached an agreement on a final compromise text for the European Union’s Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.
Frank Drauschke (Facts & Files) introducing the Transcribathon
On 6th December 2018, three Mini-Transcribathons were held in Vienna as part of the #EuropeForCulture conference, the closing celebrations of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.