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Europeana, together with cultural heritage institutions across the globe, is preparing to join the Public Domain Day celebrations in January. In this post, we look at the different ways cultural heritage institutions can get involved.
Access to digital cultural heritage across languages is a priority for the Europeana community and beyond, with a recent EU Presidency meeting in Helsinki highlighting why multilingualism is crucial for us and society. In this post, we explore some of the proposals for improving the multilingual aspects of the Europeana Collections portal and tell you what you can do to help build multilingual systems for digital cultural heritage.
Do you work at a cultural heritage institution with out of commerce works in its collection? Thanks to the the Out of Commerce Works Provisions in the European Copyright Directive adopted in May 2019, it will soon become much easier to share these with the public. But there are some details to be defined at the national level. In this post Ariadna Matas, Junior Policy Advisor at the Europeana Foundation, offers advice on how to get involved in the stakeholder dialogues on out of commerce works that should take place in every EU member state.
A MIME type (also known as a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) is a standard that indicates the format of a file. Discover a list of MIME types corresponding to different types of content/media that are supported or not by Europeana.
The CrowdHeritage project aims to develop an effective web platform to encourage people to help enrich and validate selected cultural heritage metadata - a crucial concern for domain, thematic and national aggregators. In this post, the CrowdHeritage team give us an update on the platform and the project.
We’ve known for a while that our collections website was due for an upgrade, and we’re finally ready to show you what we’ve been working on for the past few months. We’ve developed a demo of an updated Europeana website that is faster, easier to explore, and more accessible. We are excited to be sharing this with you. The final design has not yet been applied, but the demo will give you a good sense of what is coming and give you the chance to provide feedback.