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The importance of a supportive and collaborative cultural heritage network has never been greater. This month in the Europeana Network Association (ENA), we are asking our members to renew their membership by 1 October 2020 in order to remain part of our growing network of over 2,800 professionals in the field of digital cultural heritage.
In this section you can find resources, reads and webinars that help offer professional development opportunities to support you in the changing times during, and after COVID-19.
In this section you can explore inspiration for how cultural heritage organisations are working to engage audiences with their collections, tools and services online as they face temporary closure due to COVID-19.
Students during the 3D Digital Invasions at the Civic Museum of Castello Ursino in Catania, Sicily
The advent of 3D technology is bringing new opportunities for the cultural heritage sector, offering innovative ways to provide access to heritage for education, tourism, research and enjoyment. In this post, we hear about how Invasioni Digitali (Digital Invasions) - a crowdsourcing initiative which aims to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage - has made 3D a feature of ‘invasions.’
Moddade datorer. Tävling på Tekniska museet i att bygga om sin dator. I huvudsak män kom från hela landet för att visa upp sin dator och umgås från klockan 19:00 - 03:00.