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Overview for 'Cultural Heritage Institutions'
Europeana 2020 call for proposals
Europeana Foundation
Created: 3 September 2020
Sebastiaan ter Burg
Nicholas Jarrett
At Europeana 2020, we want to explore with you how we can support a sustainable, responsible and inspiring cultural heritage sector for today and tomorrow. We’re delighted to announce the launch of our call for proposals and invite you to join us in leading these discussions.
Members of Europeana's Collection Engagement team present on the 'Representation of Diverse Histories in Europeana' at the 13th International Conference on the Inclusive Museum.
Europeana Strategy meeting “Migration and culture: how can our past educate our present”
In June, Europeana brought together 60 cultural heritage professionals from across Europe for a special series of peer-to-peer workshops on ‘Digital transformation in the time of COVID-19’. In this post, participant Graham Bell reflects on how the GLAM sector can work with online communications channels and explores how the Cultura Trust has adapted to this ‘new normal’.
In this year’s Europeana Network Association (ENA) elections, we are looking to fill nine seats on the Members Council. We invite our members from all backgrounds and sectors relevant to Europeana to stand for election.