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With the 1st of January each year marking Public Domain Day, this month on Europeana Pro we are exploring the public domain and open access to cultural heritage. In this post, members of the Europeana Network Association Communicators and Copyright communities share some of their favourite public domain works available on the Europeana website.
EuropeanaTech is excited to invite proposals for the assembly of Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML) datasets drawn from the extensive collections on the Europeana website. Two proposals will be selected to receive a financial stipend of €2,500 each, to support the production, documentation and publication of the datasets.
The Europeana website provides access to digital representations of millions of cultural heritage objects from all over Europe, and we want to give our audiences the best possible experience when exploring them. In this post, we tell you how we are working with our aggregators to address the issue of broken links.
In 2020, the Europeana Foundation made its belief in diversity explicit in its organisational statement that ‘cultural heritage empowers us to embrace our diversity and flourish’. This post outlines the approach we are taking to make sure we are indeed embracing diversity and implementing practical measures to embed it in our organisation.
With public events in 2020 largely cancelled, public engagement events have been difficult. We speak with partners in Ireland who have been working on projects collecting stories from the public during the pandemic.
Aggregating linked data has the potential to improve data interoperability at global scale. A linked data pilot, developed as part of the Europeana Common Culture project, has investigated this potential, and in this post we take a look at what it achieved.