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Versailles : la salle du Sénat pendant le vote : [photographie de presse] / Agence Mondial | Agence de presse Mondial Photo-Presse. Agence photographique
As you might have seen in previous blogs and newsletters, the Europeana network has been evolving and is now an Association; this means it is more transparent and democratic. It also means that its members can elect the people that speak and make decisions on their behalf.
Wylde's Great Globe from "Two Centuries of Soho: its institutions, firms, and amusements. By the Clergy of St. Anne's, Soho, J. H. Cardwell ... H. B. Freeman ... G. C. Wilton ... assisted by other contributors, etc"
Over the last week a number of European Commission documents have leaked, painting a relatively clear picture of what the Commission will propose later this month as part of its long awaited copyright reform package.