Created: 27 May 2015
Europeana Research aims to support humanities research on the digitised content of Europe’s galleries, museums, libraries and archives by addressing issues such as licensing, interoperability and access.
Created: 14 May 2015
One of the earlier cross-disciplinary calls in the EU’s H2020 programme was for the Virtual Research Environment call (eInfra-9)
The deadline for proposals was earlier this year. According to the EU website, over 90 proposals were received. Given that 40m Euros was available, and that proposals were supposed to request between 2 and 8 million Euros, this means that around 8 proposals will get funding.
Created: 11 May 2015
Like explorers cutting through the jungle, so digital humanists continue to slice through swathes of large sources of data, the so called 'big data'.
Some resources are already fully open online, in all sense of the words. The recent publication of transcribed data from The Text Creation Partnership on early English language texts is a great example.
But many mass digitisation datasets are not quite as open, meaning they cannot be used in for text and data mining.
Created: 16 April 2015
A while back we put out a call for researchers to work with the Europeana Newspaper corpus.
The call was hugely successful, demonstrating both the popularity of historic newspapers and the potential for exploiting that data in new ways.
Around 40 separate research projects got in touch and suggested different research questions and methodologies they would like to explore in greater depth.
Created: 15 April 2015
Moving from a portal to a platform: this is one of Europeana’ s major objectives for 2015-2020 in order to allow “people to re-use and play with the material, to interact with others and participate in creating something new”.