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This Task Force investigated and proposed ways to ensure the existence of a reliable and sustainable citation mechanism, which researchers can use to reference Europeana resources.
June 14 and 15 2017 saw the second Digital Preservation for Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DPASSH) conference, which took place at the University of Sussex. Hosted by the Sussex Humanities Lab and the Digital Repository of Ireland, the conference brought together a wide range of specialists in Digital Preservation, Archives and Digital Humanities from across the globe.
Since the foundation of various libraries close to the university in the 14th and 15th centuries, the Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg has housed many important collections. The datasets that have been delivered to Europeana hold over 25,000 records including treasures such as manuscripts, manuscript fragments, charters, and early modern and modern printed books and magazines.
Created: 10 May 2017
Valentine Charles
Nuno Freire
Europeana has progressively adopted the principles of Linked Data for representing, aggregating, and enriching the metadata it collects from the Cultural Heritage institutions of Europe. Its foundation is the Europeana Data Model (EDM) which enables the representation of links between cultural heritage objects and the entities surrounding them (people, places, concepts, timespans).