Europeana Aggregators’ Forum outreach event 11 July 2022
This event, held on 11 July 2022 from the Europeana Aggregators' Forum explored aggregation and the data sharing process.
This event, held on 11 July 2022 from the Europeana Aggregators' Forum explored aggregation and the data sharing process.
Europeana relies on a strong network of 40 accredited aggregators, connecting more than 2,500 cultural heritage institutions represented by the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum (EAF). Aggregators and their data partners will play a major role in building the European Data Space for Cultural Heritage, a context which invites cultural heritage institutions to play an even more active role in providing high quality data and accelerating their digital transformation.
Within this context, the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum outreach event discussed every step of the data-sharing process, going back to the basics of aggregation in terms of technical processes and organisation.
The programme took participants through the process of aggregation, from defining the purpose for digitisation and identifying content, to processing the data, to sharing it with wider audiences. Inspiring presentations gave the opportunity to learn and share, while finding out more about best practices and key standards for data sharing throughout the sector.
An agenda of the event is available here and you can watch the recording above.
National Aggregator to Europeana Project Lead
National Documentation Centre, Greece
Advisory Board member
Head of Library Projects Area
Ministry of Culture and Sports Spain
Advisory Board member