The 2021 European Commission Recommendations on a common European data space for cultural heritage strongly encourage an increase in 3D digitisation efforts, and their availability through the data space for cultural heritage.
In order to ensure the scalability of more and more 3D data being showcased in the data space, the Europeana Foundation wants to seek more legal clarity on the reusability of 3D models, in particular from a copyright perspective. The result has been a report conducted by Dr. Andrea Wallace (University of Exeter, Glam e-Lab) which answers many questions around copyright, rights statements and 3D digitisation of cultural heritage. Read the report.
This webinar shared more about the results of the report, the extent to which copyright protection arises (or not) on 3D cultural heritage digitisation and the implications of the public domain provision in the 2019 Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive.
Watch the recording.