World War One Books Collection National Library of Serbia
This book collection includes issues from the period of World War One, but also from the postwar period, if their topic is war-related to the Serbian people.

The publications included are: literary works created during the war, propaganda brochures made with the purpose of strengthening the morale of the army and the civilians, memoir works that evoke the time of great suffering, as well as the legislative activity of the Government of the Kingdom of Serbia on the island of Corfu.
Furthermore there are books of religious literature, Serbian songs and poems, war novels, manuals, travel reports, guides and instructions. Most books are in Serbian but there are English, German, French and Italian works, as well.
For instance Ode alla nazione serba, by the famous Italian literate Gabriele D’annunzio. These items reflect the particular position of the Kingdom of Serbia during the war. Users can access different materials and understand people's daily lives in the war and the processes that changed European and Serbian society, as well.
Provided by: National Library of Serbia