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In the recently finalised Europeana Media project, co-funded under European Commission’s CEF Generic Services scheme, partners Istituto LUCE, Sound and Vision, the Europeana Foundation, TIB, Noterik and ATiT worked together to provide a novel, open source universal audiovisual player on Europeana.
In this post, Kate Fernie and Dimitris Gavrilis tell us about Share3D, a Europeana Generic Services project which uses 3D as a driver to encourage people to explore and re-use cultural heritage content.
Does your cultural heritage institution have a digital strategy? And how do you compare to the European average and other member states based on expenditure on digitisation and the number of staff and volunteers engaged in digital activities?
View of the point cloud data collected at Staigue Stone Fort
In an abridged post from the online journal EuropeanaTech Insight, we explore how data from the 3D-ICONS project in Ireland has continued to be used even after the end of the project, by Anthony Corns and Robert Shaw from The Discovery Programme, Centre for Archaeology and Innovation in Ireland.
Time Machine was a project funded under Horizon 2020 Fet Flagships call programme. The project developed large-scale digitisation of cultural heritage and computing infrastructure, mapping millennia of European historical and geographical evolution.
Applications are now being accepted for Europeana Generic Services projects! Explore guidance for proposals, advice on topics of interest and information on how to apply.