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The Europeana Network Association has grown to be a thought leader in the cultural heritage sector. So, how could we harness this potential to help steer the European heritage community forward? The Europeana Innovation Agenda was created with exactly this purpose in mind.
On 5 December, over 200 members of the Europeana Network Association gathered in Vienna on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2018, dedicated to building communities and celebrating 10 years of Europeana. We would like to thank all of you who came and made this event such a success!
Killian Downing, National Archives of Ireland, presents his ‘Wow’ moment.
Back in September, we asked Europeana Network Association members to share their favourite moments - whether that was a collection, idea, conversation or event - from the first 10 years of Europeana. Those moments were shortlisted and as part of the Europeana tenth anniversary celebrations, 10 were presented at the AGM in Vienna last week.
'Technoculture' is a series of podcasts about culture, technology and the human condition. In episode nine, Federica Bressan, a post-doctoral researcher at Ghent University, talks to Europeana Foundation Executive Director Harry Verwayen about all things Europeana.
It’s unbelievable, but it’s true! 89 candidates came forward in this year’s Europeana Network Association Members Council elections to compete for 28 available seats! Have a look at their profiles and vote for your favorites from 5-14 December.
In this issue of EuropeanaTech Insight we share highlights from EuropeanaTech 2018 that perfectly illusrate core missions layed out in the new Europeana Innovation Agenda