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Overview for 'Network'
Marco Streefkerk at Europeana2019 - Connect Communities
In our ‘Professionals in Focus’ series, we speak to our Councillors about their roles, working lives and plans for their time on the Members Council. This month, Marco Streefkerk discusses digital curation at the Anne Frank House, and facing the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis.
With the call for proposals for Europeana 2020 open, and some exciting suggestions already coming in, Susan Hazan and Marco Rendina take a look at the role of the Europeana 2020 Selection Committee, its criteria for evaluating proposals, and how we are working to make the conference a truly co-created event.
As part of our ‘Strategy in motion’ series, Gregory Markus updates us on the EuropeanaTech AI in relation to GLAMs Task Force, which has just published the results of a survey of artificial intelligence (AI) in the digital cultural heritage domain.
A new Task Force run by the Europeana Communicators community begins this month. It intends to research examples of interesting, engaging and effective storytelling from around the web and produce recommendations to further develop Europeana as a ‘powerful platform for storytelling’. Its chair, Beth Daley, tells us about it.
At Europeana 2020, we want to explore with you how we can support a sustainable, responsible and inspiring cultural heritage sector for today and tomorrow. We’re delighted to announce the launch of our call for proposals and invite you to join us in leading these discussions.