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In our ‘Professionals in Focus’ series, we speak to Councillors about their roles, working lives and plans for their time on the Members Council. Today, Jorge Cardoso tells us about his work with virtual and augmented reality.
‘Heritage acoustics’ and the preservation and presentation of historic acoustic spaces is a growing field of research within cultural heritage. EuropeanaTech Community Manager Greg Markus introduces us to the topic.
This Task Force (run by the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum) aimed to study the feasibility of moving forward to decentralised (e.g. SOLID-based) aggregation.
This Task Force aims to show aggregators the value of interlinking heterogeneous data from various sources, and guide them and their network with guidelines to implement Linked Data.
Rebecca Kahn. CC-BY-SA 3.0
Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin
In our ‘Professionals in Focus’ series, we speak to Councillors about their roles, working lives and plans for their time on the Members Council. Today, Rebecca Kahn talks about her career and work with Linked Open Data.