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Explore these FAQs to gain a better understanding of the out of commerce works system, specifically questions related to the transposition of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market (CDSM) Directive.
Explore these FAQs to gain a better understanding of the out of commerce works system, specifically questions related to key concepts in the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive.
Explore these FAQs to gain a better understanding of the out of commerce works system, specifically questions related to stakeholder dialogues for the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive.
Albuminscriptie / van Pieter de With (- an 1689), tekenaar en etser, voor het album amicorum van Jacob Heyblocq (1623-1690), rector van de Latijnse school te Amsterdam
The Copyright in the Digital Single Market (CDSM) Directive aims to harmonise certain aspects of EU Member States’ copyright legislation, and has important provisions for digital cultural heritage. Annemarie Beunen tells you more about the legislative changes in the Netherlands as a result of the Directive transposition.