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Skioptikonbild från institutionen för fotografi vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Motiv föreställande utsikt över landskap. Bilden är troligen tagen av John Hertzberg under en resa i Europa.
Last month, I travelled to Paris to take part in the Digital Humanities Experiments Conference #dhiha6 held at the German Historical Institute Paris. Revolving around the theme of “experiments”, this two-day conference gave to approximately 20 young researchers, including me, the opportunity to express their own views and experience from the area of Digital Humanities in a friendly, highly dialogical environment
Europeana Creative's Tourism Pilot, has received two prestigious "Best of the Web" awards in the categories of Digital Exhibition and People's Choice at the Museums and the Web conference in Chicago.
Now, tourists from around the world can use Field Trip to view and learn about archaeological sites, historical buildings and monuments in Poland, Estonia and Sweden.