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The National Library of Finland is the country's national aggregator, providing Europeana with almost 1 million digital objects from Finnish institutions. Maria Virtanen spoke to Douglas McCarthy about its recent national workshop in partnership with Europeana.
The hashtag #Metoo has evolved from a debate on social media to a topic that sparks discussions throughout the world. It also reached the cultural heritage sector.
Recent research by Kennisland identified that 62% of content published via Europeana have accurate rights statements, and that there are common issues that lead to the 38% that are inaccurate.
In 2013, the European Union amended the Public Sector Information Directive, establishing the principle that all available information produced and collected by public sector institutions must be made available for reuse under open terms and conditions. The European Commission is now reviewing the impact of the directive: have your say!
The 'time and tide' map of the Atlantic charter / [cartography] London Geographical Institute