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Posted on Monday June 24, 2024

Updated on Monday June 24, 2024

FRAME Advanced Tech 2024

FRAME Advanced Tech is the second training session of the 2024 edition of the yearly FRAME training programme. It is organised by INA (the French National Audiovisual Institute), with the support of FIAT/IFTA and EBU Academy, and co-funded by the Creative Europe MEDIA programme of the European Commission.

Frame Advanced logo, a purple cube
FRAME Advanced
2 — 6 December 2024
09:00 — 17:00 Rai, Torino, Italy

This event is for European and international professionals working in the audiovisual archives field. It is primarily aimed at professionals who have already mastered the fundamentals of audiovisual archiving and willing to update and deepen their knowledge. 

The event will cover audiovisual archiving technical and technological topics (access topics will be covered by the FRAME Advanced Access session next year). 

The call for applications for the training session is open until 22 September. This year, Rai (Radiotelevisione Italiana), will host the training session on its Torino premises.

Find out more about FRAME Advanced Tech 2024 and to apply and FRAME. Reach out to with any questions. 
