Europeana Impact Café: Explore the Europeana Impact Playbook, Phase one
Join this Café from the Europeana Impact Community, focusing on Phase one of the Europeana Impact Playbook.
Join this Café from the Europeana Impact Community, focusing on Phase one of the Europeana Impact Playbook.
The Europeana Initiative started talking about impact over a decade ago. Whether you were involved in those early discussions, have used the Impact Playbook since, or want to learn more, we want to bring you along on this impact journey.
We are now celebrating the launch of a revised and now online Impact Playbook. Alongside a dedicated series on Europeana Pro news, we’ve scheduled a series of Impact Community Cafés giving the community the opportunity to come together and chat about their experiences using the Impact Playbook or why they are inspired to do so. We’ll consider the main challenges and opportunities, and answer any questions that you might have.
Join us as we explore Phase one of the Impact Playbook, dedicated to impact design. Do you want to design an impactful project? Or do you need to design your impact assessment? Then this café is for you!