9:45-9:50: Welcome and introduction by the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum, Marie Véronique Leroi, Kerstin Arnold and Tom Miles
9:50-9:50: Welcome by Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak
9:55-10:10: Welcome by the Europeana Initiative, Valentine Charles (EF), Sofie Taes (ENA), Marie Véronique Leroi (EAF)
10:10-10:30: Use case from an aggregator for data processing by Henriett Hegedus
10:30-10:45: Break
10:45-11:30: Panel 1: Workflows and tools for data processing, moderated by Kerstin Arnold. Panelists: Chiara Latronico (EUscreen), Henriett Hegedus (Forum Hungaricum) and Tom Miles (Europeana Sounds)
11:30-11:45: Demonstration of the SAGE tool from the CRAFTED project by Alexandros Chortaras
11:45-12:20: Panel 2: Aggregators and CHIs cooperation for data processing, moderated by Tom Miles. Panelists: Haris Georgiadis (SearchCulture.gr), Marco Scarbaci (MUSEU), Marcus Smith (SOCH)
12:20-12:30: Conclusions by Marie Véronique Leroi, Kerstin Arnold and Tom Miles