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Posted on Monday March 14, 2022

Updated on Monday November 6, 2023

Cultural Heritage Geodata: Polish Perspectives

This workshop focuses on current issues for crowdsourcing cultural heritage geodata, especially Polish perspectives on the provision of geodata. It is organised by Faculty of History, University of Warsaw, supported by the Europeana Research Grants Programme under the 2021 Call for proposals 'Crowdsourcing and Research'.

Three logos of the Faculty of History, Europeana and IH Pan
Agata Ignatowicz-Bocian, Warsaw University
23 — 25 March 2022

The workshop promotes the exchange of experiences, networking of experts, and development of coordination among cultural heritage institutions. Accordingly, the four topics of the workshop are:

  1. considering possibilities for the crowdsourcing of cultural heritage geodata;
  2. assessing data infrastructure guidelines and suggesting best practices;
  3. discussing institutional perspectives on collecting and managing spatial data;
  4. elaborating a statement pointing the way forward for cultural heritage geodata in Poland.

The emphasis is on discussions (in Polish with limited discussion in English) and the schedule therefore focuses on ensuring there is ample time for formal discussions and informal conversations.

The workshop will be held in a hybrid form for discussions with those participating online and those present at the University of Warsaw. It will also provide means for online participation in informal conversations during the workshop. On-site participants are invited to join in a gathering at the end of the first full day of the workshop, including dinner. Prior to the workshop, a draft of points for a text to be elaborated and finalised at the workshop, a Statement on Cultural Heritage Geodata, will be distributed. During the workshop participants will refine the statement through its four central topics and conclude with signing the workshop statement, which will help as a reference for future activities and collaborations.


  • Prof. M. Haklay, UCL  
  • Prof. Andrea Nanetti, NTU

For more information, please visit the website. Or register directly here
