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Posted on Monday October 2, 2023

Updated on Friday June 21, 2024

Built with Bits: Designing virtual spaces for social impact

In addition to the programme of the Spanish Presidency Europeana conference, onsite participants are able to attend two additional workshops on 3D in Pamplona. Explore Workshop 2 - in Spanish and English.

Event imagery showing a cathedral and the event title, date and ''hybrid''
Cathedral, Pamplona. Crusade: Detailed view
Museum of Architecture at Berlin Institute of Technology
17 October 2023
17:15 — 18:00 Room Ciudadela, BALUART

Participants will get inspired by the virtual spaces 3D-technology toolkit and its possibilities. You will think of local problems worth addressing through the creation of 3D virtual environments, and figure out how you can involve citizens to become an active part of this process. You will have the opportunity to decide to join Built with Bits, whether as a proposal leader or as a collaborator.

This workshop is open to onsite participants in Pamplona, and is organised in addition to the programme of the Spanish Presidency Europeana conference. A first workshop - Seven steps for a 3D digitisation order - Giravolt’s experience - takes place before this one. 
