Inspired by the vision of the European Green Deal and New European Bauhaus, how can integrated perspectives and collaboration help us meet some of the most urgent challenges our societies face?
This workshop explores collaboration by looking at FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability) data integration through an interdisciplinary lens (culture heritage, history, natural sciences, digital humanities). Building on the success of Europeana’s network of cultural heritage professionals, policy makers and researchers, it uses a FAIR framework to shed light on data-intensive research practices using cultural & natural heritage resources, and collaboration between Europeana, DiSSCo and DARIAH.
Beginning with an overview of the current data landscape (collections as data, digital specimens, EOSC) and challenges related to interdisciplinary research questions (diverging research practices, cross-domain data interoperability), the workshop facilitates an interactive session to understand gaps, needs and actions. The vision of such collaboration through FAIR and European Research Infrastructures, will bring different domains together and provide a forum for discovering the opportunities to consolidate and strengthen the impact of our digital heritage data.