Music Scholarship Online (MuSO) is a digital hub for conducting music scholarship.
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You can search and discover a variety of content relating to music, including archives and museum collections, digital journals and monographs, and born-digital resources. For instance, you can discover letters and scores written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart alongside journal articles and scholarly websites that evaluate those letters and scores. MuSO is a member of the Advanced Research Consortium.
In its latest stage of development, MuSO has made 18th-Century content from the Europeana Music Collection discoverable alongside the literary and historical content in the Advanced Research Consortium database. This work was possible thanks to a 2017 Europeana Research Grant, and in addition to adding the Europeana Music data to ARC, the grant allowed MuSO to generate an initial metadata schema for describing musical resources, which is available on a Metadata Standards page.
MuSO has teamed up with 18thConnect to make this content available through Collex and BigDIVA, the visualized search interface for ARC.