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The National Library of France (BnF) has recently launched a new digital strategy - we speak to Céline Leclaire, Strategic content production officer, to explore the strategy and what it means for the organisation’s digital transformation.
On 3-4 June, Europeana and the National Library of Portugal hosted an online conference in partnership with Portugal’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union on building capacity for the digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector. In this post, we tell you all about the event and our next steps.
On 3-4 June, Europeana will host an online event in association with Portugal’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union on the subject of building capacity for digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector. Find out what it’s all about and how you can join in discussions, workshops and more.
Digital storytelling is the topic in focus this month on Europeana Pro, as we hear from the Europeana Network Association’s Task Force on Europeana as a ‘powerful platform for storytelling’. Today, they share the digital storytelling examples they collected from around the web - and around the world - as a longlist and three detailed case studies.
Each year, 9 May marks Europe Day and the anniversary of the 'Schuman Declaration', which, in 1950, saw the beginning of the process of building the European Union. That was a huge moment of change for Europe. And today, the European Union is facing another great time of change, a time in which it wishes to use the richness and the lessons of its history and heritage to shape a future that makes Europe better for everyone. Here’s how you can get involved.