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An exciting new development in the Netherlands means that it is now much easier for cultural heritage institutions to make their collections of musical works available. In this post, Maarten Zeinstra, copyright coordinator for the Netherlands Association for the archives (KVAN) tells us about a new memorandum of understanding.
A recent Decree adopted by the Italian Ministry of Culture sets minimum fees for the use of cultural heritage and its digital reproduction, even if in the public domain. Deborah De Angelis and Laura Sinigaglia from the Creative Commons Italy chapter tell you about the Decree and how it limits the circulation of Italian State-owned cultural heritage and restricts access to culture and knowledge.
Europeana Copyright Office Hours was back on 16 May with a session on artificial intelligence and its implications for digital cultural heritage. This session was co-organised with the Europeana Network Association’s Research and EuropeanaTech communities. Read the answers to the questions under discussion and join future sessions!
In March 2023, the Europeana Foundation and partners invited anyone interested in enrichments to answer a survey. Read our report about the insights gained through the answers received, and the next steps for developing a policy on enrichments.
Europeana Copyright Office Hours returned on 25 April with a session on licenses, labels, statements and tools such as Creative Commons licenses and Rights Statements used in the digital cultural heritage sector. Explore what was discussed with peers and copyright experts in the community and how to join future sessions!
This Stakeholder Group aims to facilitate collaboration and participation from stakeholders and experts with the actions described in the data governance strategy for the common European data space for cultural heritage. It has members from across the Europeana Initiative and data space consortium.