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Should libraries and museums stop secondary websites from republishing so-called ‘orphan’ works? Ellen Euler, professor for Open Access & Open Data in Germany at the University of Applied Science Potsdam, looks at a current case in point playing out in Germany.
Imagine you’ve discovered a great object on Europeana Collections. You want to use it, but you’re not sure how to do it correctly. Would it be easier for you to understand and share if the copyright and reuse information was correct and available in your native language? We believed it would and our Copyright Community has made it happen.
Today, the Consortium publish their 2018 Business Plan. To help you get to know the work of the Consortium, read on for a whistlestop introduction to the Consortium and their goals for 2018.
In 2013, the European Union amended the Public Sector Information Directive, establishing the principle that all available information produced and collected by public sector institutions must be made available for reuse under open terms and conditions. The European Commission is now reviewing the impact of the directive: have your say!