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The out of commerce works ‘legal solution’ simplifies rights clearance, helping cultural heritage institutions to make materials from their collections that are not in commercial circulation available online. In some circumstances, it requires concluding a licence with a collective management organisation - Europeana Copyright looks into some of the conditions agreed so far.
This training course - run as part of Europeana Academy - will run in October 2024. It outlines the rights statements available which can support a cultural heritage institution to communicate reuse conditions.
In 2019, the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive allowed the analysis of large amounts of copyright-protected data through ‘text and data mining’ techniques, while giving rightsholders the possibility to refuse permission for their copyright-protected data to be mined. This ‘refusal’ is now being applied in practice by cultural heritage institutions. What legal and ethical questions does this raise?
The Europeana Public Domain Charter was developed in 2010 to ensure that cultural heritage could be reused as widely as possible. The Europeana Article 14 Task Force is reviewing the Charter to ensure that it continues to respond to relevant challenges. Discover the review process, and the feedback received during an online copyright office hours session dedicated to the topic.