Created: 19 October 2016
In the first of two posts Douglas McCarthy, Collections Manager of Europeana Art and editor of Faces of Europe, reflects on the exhibition’s genesis and development.
Created: 8 August 2016
Specialized in developing educational apps to introduce children to art, history and architecture, the Italian startup Art Stories was recently selected as one of the winners of the first Europeana Challenge of 2016. This competition was the first of a series of online challenges intended to promote the innovative re-use of Europeana content.
Created: 7 July 2015
Last month, I travelled to Paris to take part in the Digital Humanities Experiments Conference #dhiha6 held at the German Historical Institute Paris. Revolving around the theme of “experiments”, this two-day conference gave to approximately 20 young researchers, including me, the opportunity to express their own views and experience from the area of Digital Humanities in a friendly, highly dialogical environment